by Lisa Devaney | 21 Dec, 2015 | Apps, Hai Beta
That moment when you accidentally film your thumb, or forget to film in landscape mode, or when the subject is too far away.
Yeah that! All these oops! situations you captured while filming with your iOS device (iPhone & iPad) or GoPro™ camera can be remedied with the soon-to-launch ReVu video editor app.
We want you to help us beta test ReVu, and give your feedback before official launch in March 2016 to the Apple App Store. For your participation, you just might win a GoPro HERO4 in a prize draw.
Let us tell you more. Our client ReVu comes from the makers at Software Optics, a video technology company based in London, England, specialising in immersive, interactive video. ReVu offers features that Apple does not, including:
- Picture-in-picture zoom preview
- GoPro decurving
- Landscape video from portrait video with zoom
ReVu specifically works by allowing you to:
- Adjust the crop “on the fly” as the video plays, using pinch to zoom and motion/touch to pan
- Trim video, record, replay and edit all interactions
- Export zoom, pan and trim interactions to a new landscape 1080p HD video
- Import GoPro video with iTunes file sharing or the Camera Connection Kit to remove fisheye lens distortion
- Convert awkward vertical videos to landscape
- ReVu is compatible with rectilinear videos such as iOS videos and also GoPro™ videos
To be part of the beta testing phase participants are invited to sign up at: OR email with the subject Hai Beta Test: ReVu
ReVu Makes Headlines!
You can see ReVu in the news, where it has been listed as being one of the top video editor apps for 2016 with Appcessories and showcased on
It has also been featured on
And the press release about the debut of the ReVu beta test has been featured with more than 200 news outlets around the world.
If you are in London, please come along to the ReVu launch party being held at Google Campus London on Thursday, March 10th. Book your free place to join us in the celebration here.
by Lisa Devaney | 14 Jan, 2015 | WeAreDotDotDot
We love to share first looks at new things happening in the world and are thrilled to invite you to come along to a sneak
preview of!, now in beta phase, is a new platform that will connect young people in East London with digital learning programmes and job networking opportunities. The Connecting Tech City team behind this initiative aim to help East London young people prepare and find employment with the thriving businesses of London’s Tech City. See the press coverage about WeAreDotDotDot featured on here.
Do you want to be part of the development stage in the run up to WeAreDotDotDot’s official launch in March 2015?
Sign up today to be part of a great movement at:
WeAreDotDotDot is particularly keen to hear from you if you are from Hackney, Islington, Newham or Tower Hamlets and aged 11-25.
Due to high demand, we will be holding the sneak previews on three days, with the first one kicking off 2015 on Wednesday, 21st January.
Then the next sneak preview will be on Tuesday 17th February and finally the last one will be held Wednesday 11th March.
All events will be held 4-6pm at Central Working Whitechapel, 69-89 Mile End Road, London E1 4TT. (Entrance through Foxcroft & Ginger Café)
*Teachers and guardians also welcome to attend.
At the sneak preview you will get to:
• beta test the platform
• get to know first hand how experienced developers tackle issues around user experience, design and coding
• be the first to have access to more than 60 courses on offer on the platform, to develop your skills in tech
• find out about the latest apprenticeships available in tech
• find out about funds and grants to support you financially
• receive an invite to attend our launch event in March 2015 as a VIP guest
• know why you should help get the word out and encourage other young people to sign up to the platform
Get your ticket to attend a sneak preview here:
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*Coming soon to Instagram!
Do you tweet? We’d love to see you on there. Here’s a few suggested tweets you can share:
Young? In East London? Want to work in Tech City? Be among the first to know about @wearedotdotdot #WeAreDotDotDot:
Check out @wearedotdotdot, helping East London young people prepare for jobs in Tech City. #WeAreDotDotDot Sign up here:
#WeAreDotDotDot launches in 2015! Helping East London young people prepare for jobs in Tech City. Sign up at: @wearedotdotdot
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