by Lisa Devaney | 30 Jul, 2014 | News
As fans of all things DIY PR, when we came we came across an amazing DIY PR story from Taiwan, we decided to share it with you here.
We’ve gotten to know Dan Bloom who is an American climate activist and journalist living in Taiwan. He’s best known as being the inventor of a new literary genre called cli-fi, a kind of sub-genre of sci-fi that defines literature and film that includes climate change in the storyline.

Dan Bloom
The self-confessed “envisionary futurist” graduated from Tufts University in 1971, where he went on to serve as the acting editor of the non-profit Polar Cities Research Institute. He has no formal training in PR, nor does he claim to be any kind of PR genius, but somehow he is making the world pay attention to cli-fi.
Even though Dan has no computer in his home, he has managed to win headline’s in the world’s leading media outlets about cli-fi. A guest article he did was recently featured in the Washington Post. Cli-fi has also been featured in US Wired, NPR, The Guardian, The Huffington Post and many more outlets since Dan first coined the phrase cli-fi back in 2007. Just this week he was included in a story about cli-fi in The New York Times.
So how does he do it? Well, we caught up with Dan by email, where he was writing to us from a smoke-filled café in Taiwan. Here’s our conversation with him:
Firstly, for those who don’t know, what is cli-fi, and how did it come about?
DB: Cli-fi is a new literary genre term first of all, and secondly a new literary genre, too. So it is both a term and a genre. It came about after I spent many months trying to find a way to get past the daily political debates about climate change and global warming, all statistics and scientists and leftwing rightwing people screaming at each other. I thought that maybe a better way to convey the dangers future generations will face in terms of the coming Climapocalyopse — not now but in 500 years or so — would be to create a platform for writers and screenwriters to use for novels and movies. So I set it up.
You were featured in an article published in Washington Post, that’s a pretty big deal! How did that happen?
DB: I read that the Post had a new section online called PostEverything where writers could submit commentaries on just about anything, so I queried the editors there and they said I could send my piece in on spec. And they used it.
You’ve also secured coverage for cli-fi in Wired US, NPR, The Huffington Post and many other outlets. These are amazing wins for any PR professional, what are tips you can share with those doing their own PR?
DB: Just as in retail the key to success lies in three words “location, location, location” so too does PR have an important rule which is this: “never give up, never give up, never give up.” And don’t take no for an answer.
Every genius has a strategy, what’s yours?
DB: I am not a genius. I am not even a professional PR person. I practice what I call guerrilla PR, street PR, sidewalk PR, never give up PR. I also had Lady Luck in my corner. Without Lady Luck egging me on, we wouldn’t be talking here. I owe everything to three things on this cli-fi PR campaign: Lady Luck, friends in the right places and an Internet that connects us all. In the old world pre-internet, I would still be at the starting line. The Internet made this possible.
Can you tell us more about your DIY PR tactics and strategy and how you are making this all happen with no computer, and just working out of a smoke filled café in Taiwan?
DB: I don’t really have an office or a game plan. I just wake up every morning and start emailing anyone I think might be able to help cli-fi find the right media placement. And I get up the next day and repeat the process. Because this work is important to me and for future generations, I have been doing this PR work daily Monday to Sunday, without one day off in 8 years. No vacations or anything. I just feel strongly about the emergence of the cli-fi genre, and this is not “work“ for me. This daily crusade is my vacation. It is relaxing and rewarding beyond words or payment. I don’t get paid for this. That is another reason I have been successful. This has never been about me or fame or money. This is about the most crucial existential time period we humans have ever faced. I am just a foot soldier in a large army of climate fighters. I feel honored to be part of something much larger than myself, and much bigger than a mere brand or product placement campaign. This is the fight of our lives now, and for our descendants in the future, if there are to be any.
Aside from creating literary genres, what other jobs do you do?
DB: This is all I do now, 24/7/365. I wake up every morning energized and ready to go. I am never tired. I have not taken one day off in 8 years. There is nothing else I want to do.
Is there anything more you’d like to share with us about cli-fi, DIY PR, life in Taiwan, the future of our planet Earth, or anything else that readers of this piece might find of interest?
DB: Fighting climate change problems and global warming impact events is now the job of every human being on Earth. But I am not a preacher, and everyone has to find his or her own way to joining the fight, either in small ways or large ways. And the last thing I’d like to add is this: the word Earth should have a capital E every tine it appears in a British or American newspaper or website. Many news outlets still write it in lowercase as “earth” but it is our Earth and it is home planet and deserves a capital E, even in The Guardian and New York Times. I recently asked Diane Ackerman the nature writer in New York about this and she emailed me in reply: Yes, we should always capitalize Earth in our newspapers and magazines.”
Are you working on any new PR campaigns connected to your cli-fi work?
DB: Yes, I am currently setting up a YouTube campaign called “Tell Your Climate Fears at #CLIFI YouTube hashtag videos.” I am asking teens and college students and of course adults worldwide, both cli-fi writers and cli-fi readers and also just young people who are concerned about the climate issues we face to post a short 1 to 3 minute video with the #CLIFI hashtag in the title of the video and to post it on YouTube or send it to me for me to post on my channel ”MrDanBloom’‘..and to tell their personal feelings about the possible Climapocalypse we face in the future, not now, but in the coming next 30 generations or so. So this is a chance for young people to make their feelings and voices heard about climate issues even if they never heard of cli-fi before.
Thanks Dan, and yes we love our Earth! And if you want to follow the conversation about cli-fi look for the hashtag #clifi.
By: Miamii Mansour and Lisa Devaney
by Lisa Devaney | 27 May, 2014 | News
We are looking for an intern to work alongside Hai Media Group’s founder and Director Lisa Devaney this summer.

Hai Media GroupDevaney this summer.
Our intern will get stuck in with the world of PR for tech startups in London’s Tech City. With Devaney’s tutoring, our intern will gain insight to setting up and running campaigns, using social media for B2B, conducting media relations, and more.
Let Summer 2014 ROCK for your career and get in touch. Previous interns have gone on to secure excellent positions in the field of public relations and social media.
Please send a CV, or link to your video CV to:
What are we looking for?
- Interest in public relations and social media. Desire to pursue a career in this field.
- Interest in creative agency work where you will need to juggle a variety of clients and projects.
- Interest in the tech startup industry of London’s Tech City.
- You have basic knowledge and are using social and online media appropriately, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Vine, YouTube, Quora, Tumblr…and more!
- You know how to blog, and how to use WordPress.
- You have a good sense of the media landscape for technology outlets and you know the top trends happening in technology.
- You will have interest in books, ebooks and the process of self-publishing.
- This is a part-time/flex role looking for you to work remotely from 1-3 hours each weekday.
- You will need access to your own laptop and phone.
- There will be occasional networking events to attend in London.
This internship will be very hands-on and you will not just be answering phones or making coffee. You will leave this internship with the experience and references you need to seek out a fulltime role.
by Lisa Devaney | 7 Nov, 2013 | haimediagroup, Women Shift Digital, Women Shift Digital
We are proud to be supporting an upcoming conference that will bring together some of the most talented women

The Women Shift Digital Conference is 26th November 2013 at Level 39
working in the digital and technology sectors. Presented by body>data>space the Women Shift Digital conference will take place 26th November 2013 at Level 39 in Canary Wharf. They are expecting about 200 guests, and they have an exciting line-up of speakers and attendants.
Please find full details in the press release, here:
A Conference to celebrate
Women in Digital Careers
Level 39 / Canary Wharf / 26 November 2013 / London
Women Shift Digital is a conference for women and men, designed to celebrate women in digital careers, network the networks and influence the influencers. It is a day to reflect collectively on the positive impacts women are making with digital-led careers as creatives, managers and executives in creative industries, education, business, design, skills development and the arts.
We are inviting women and men, active talents in the digital sector, ready to input, share ideas, make new partners and move forward together.
This special gathering will feature inspiring keynote speakers and panelists, demonstrations and debates from leaders and movers in micro-enterprises to SMEs, institutions to companies.
Confirmed speakers and participants include: Chi Onwurah (Newcastle upon Tyne Central MP, currently Shadow Cabinet Office Minister and former Shadow Minister for Innovation, Science & Digital Infrastructure), Kate Russell (Technology Reporter, BBC Click & Author of ‘Working The Cloud’), Dr Sue Black (Senior Research Associate in Computer Science, University College London/the goto Foundation), Ghislaine Boddington (body>data>space), Eric van der Kleij(Level39), Dinis Guarda (CEO IHQ), Anne-Marie Imafidon (Stemettes), Ron Edwards(QA), Emilie Giles (Codasign), Will Harvey (Ogilvy), Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino(Designswarm / Internet of Things), Rachel Coldicutt (Director, Caper/Articulate), Magdalena Kron (GeekGirlMeetup UK), Richard Adams (Microsoft), Evelyn Wilson (TCCE), Haidee Bell (Nesta Innovations Programmes), Dr. Mitra Memarzia (IC tomorrow / Social Media Week London), Paola Cuneo (UK Trade and Investment), Roberta Lucca (Bossa Studios), Christoph Jankowski(UK Cultural Contact Point), Derek Richards(Hi8us South), Ruth Catlow(Furtherfield), and more!
This is the right point in time to recognise and celebrate the greater benefits gender diversity is bringing to the digital and tech marketplace in terms of creativity, user design and economic added value. Underusing the talent, skills, visions and knowledge offered by women is no longer an option – we need to work together, women and men, to design our future.
Start following the debate now #womenshiftdigital
Co-produced and curated by body>data>space, supported and hosted by Level39 / Canary Wharf
Supported by:QA, UK Trade & Investment, Canary Wharf Arts and Events, Taylor Wessing, SMartEU, Creative Guild, Kinura, IntelligentHQ, Hai Media Group.
Media Partner:The Huffington Post UK
by Lisa Devaney | 23 Dec, 2010 | News
Hai Media Group had a busy and productive year in 2010. In fact, we were so busy that we didn’t really have time to update this website. The year was spent helping clients with PR campaigns, blogging, guest lecturing, and getting out to a lot of industry events.
So, here is a rundown of what we got up to and highlights of the success we’ve had:
Representing HipLogic, a rising star mobile technology company in Silicon Valley that is in-part funded by Benchmark Partners, the same investors who fund Twitter, we promoted news announcements, and helped build up awareness for the brand in Europe.

HipLogic has figured out a better way to help people access social media and information content on your mobile phone. They offer a free application called *Spark that connects you with Twitter, Facebook as well as news, entertainment, weather updates and shopping deals from Groupon. The application can be personalized, allowing you to mash-up the information you are receiving on your handset, selecting what you want to receive, or want to skip.
For *Spark, we first got excitement going for the beta period, in which 100K people downloaded and tested out the app. The beta version of *Spark was featured in Stuff UK, among other outlets.
We launched the full release version of *Spark in December, handling press relations in Europe. Top coverage included a review in The Sunday Times ingear section, an upcoming feature in T3 magazine, and attention from top industry blogs including,, Mobile Marketing Magazine, Mobile Entertainment, GoMo News, and many more.
You can download *Spark for your Android or Symbian handset from the Android Market, Nokia’s Ovi store, GetJar, or from here:
Press was particularly interested in HipLogic’s new alliance with Groupon, which is the first of its kind between the massive deals company and a mobile application developer. In the UK, *Spark is the best way to get Groupon deals on your Android phone.
Earlier this year we also announced HipLogic’s partnership with The Carphone Warehouse, and secured attention for this partnership across mobile industry blogs, including an analysis by influential blogger Ajit Jaokar who writes the Open Gardens blog.
Robots & Avatars
Hai Media Group represented Robots & Avatars, a programme of events and educational activities. It is designed to explore how young people will work and play with new representational forms of virtual and physical life in 10-15 years time. As part of the programme, debates on topics of the Future World of Work and Behavior and Ethics have been held in London, with leading robotic industry experts and academics. The debates can be viewed on the Robots & Avatars website.
Schools throughout the UK are booking learning experiences offered by Robots & Avatars, with the team coming into classrooms to present interactive lectures on how to build and use avatars, and discussion about career opportunities in the field of robotics.
Robots & Avatars is funded by NESTA, and founded by the art and technology collective body>data>space.
We secured attention for the programme with the BBC Outriders, T3 magazine, The Hackney Gazette and a number of educational outlets and blogs covering technology and robotics. We were particularly excited about the T3 magazine feature, a full page article in the December 2010 issue, offering an interview with Robots & Avatars founder Ghislaine Boddington.
Vodafone Mobile Clicks 2010
We promoted the second annual Vodafone Mobile Clicks competition, a search for the best, most innovative mobile internet start-ups in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. This year’s competition saw more entries and received extensive media coverage across Europe. The first place winner was Cardmobili, who received €100,000. Second place was awarded to Roulette Cricket, who won €50,000.
We teamed up with Mobile Monday London and mobile expert Helen Keegan to work with Vodafone in promoting this major contest for European mobile technology start-ups.
StreetSpark is a mobile application that 50K+ people are using in London to meet other likeminded singles. The app uses your phone’s mobile GPS system to locate available people in your immediate area who have similar interests. Unlike other mobile dating apps, this sophisticated technology can match you with others who share your taste in music, food, entertainment and culture.
Top media attention we secured for StreetSpark appeared in Stuff UK, Cosmopolitan,,, Telecom TV, and more.
Pinnacle PR
Hai Media Group’s Director Lisa Devaney continued serving as a trainer for Pinnacle PR, teaching public relations professionals from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the tips and tricks of PR 2.0. In a full-day course, she teaches how Web technologies, including social media and blogging, can be integrated into promotional campaigns. This year she travelled to Brussels several times and to Berlin, where she trained public relations managers from across Europe preparing to promote European Mobility Week.
Over the Air
Hai Media Group’s Director Lisa Devaney hosted a DIY PR Workshop at the Over the Air mobile developers event in London, along with technology public relations star Lauren MacGregor. About 30 attendants provided positive feedback about the workshop, that showed how to promote your mobile application or service with low cost, creative planning and tactics.
Blogging for BrandRepublic
Lisa Devaney continued contributing blog posts to BrandRepublic magazine, where she has been a guest blogger for about three years now. The magazine launched its new social media blog The Wall Blog, and one post drew significant attention from across Europe and America, discussing how PRs are feeling like social media is being dumped on them:
Devaney was also invited to be a delegate, as a blogger and technology industry advocate in London, to an event called Innovation Future hosted by UK Trade & Investment, where Prime Minister David Cameron announced his intentions to have the government support creation of a new Silicon Valley in East London:
Throughout 2010, we collaborated with Joan Smith, of Clarendon Media, a cross-platform media expert, to develop a transmedia entertainment property. We explored how to use the online medium to tell an eco-sci-fi story about humanity living on the brink of climate change. Ark is set 30 years in the future, and is under development to be told across Facebook, as a eco-survivalist game, in a book, and to be pitched as a TV programme.
A special thanks!
This year we also want to say thank you to the talented folks who pitched in to help from time to time.
Thank you Jocelyn Brandeis, our PR associate in New York City who supported USA outreach efforts.
Thank you Mary Epworth who is showing a real knack for technology PR, in addition to being a beautiful and talented singer and songwriter.
Thank you Katerina Hejralova for help and support in 2010, who has gone on to start a promising career with London agencies specializing in PR 2.0.
Thank you Kinura for ongoing help with maintaining the Hai Media Group website.
Looking ahead, the new year promises to be busy and packed with a variety of opportunities. If you are interested in working with Hai Media Group in 2011 contact Lisa Devaney at: lisa AT haimediagroup DOT com
You can also follow Lisa Devaney on Twitter at @lisadevaney
by Lisa Devaney | 3 Mar, 2010 | News
Hai Media Group is now supporting HipLogic with PR services in Europe, introducing media to the popular HipLogic Live application, a free download for Symbian, Windows Mobile and Android handsets, that CEO Mark Anderson describes as being an “extreme makeover” for your phone that will deliver an iPhone-like content experience.
HipLogic’s CEO Mark Anderson

HipLogic Live pulls content from real-time sources like Facebook, Twitter, Sky, Disney, Sports, Weather, newsfeeds and more, through a smartphone-like interface. It works by delivering push content notifications to the phonetop without using SMS. This means that they bring the world of applications, widgets, live search and real-time notifications to mass market handsets, without the need to invest in a new smartphone.
You just need one, simple, free download. The technology relies on a JavaScript virtual machine running on the device that is connected to the cloud that aggregates information and feeds from network operators and the Web to create mash-ups for use on Symbian, Windows Mobile and Android mobile devices. The aim is to provide always-on, fast access and logical presentation of content and applications that can be cumbersome to access through current mobile phone browsers – especially on multimedia-phones.
If you would like to receive current news about HipLogic, contact:
lisa AT haimediagroup DOT com
(+44) 07711238173